

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, May 31, 2010

Wedding Shower Weekend

I have been looking forward to this weekend for the longest time, mostly because I couldn't wait to be in the same room as my best friends, I thought I knew most of the details about the shower but as it turned out I knew nothing at all.

Becca, my first friend in the USA, arrived late late late Thursday night and we got to spend the entire day together on Friday. We had my second dress fitting and Becca was taught how to bustle my dress and put me in it, which let me tell you is quite a process. We got cheesesteaks and relaxed the rest of the afternoon as I had come down with a sinus infection! Friday evening Leona, one of my bestest friends, landed on Friday evening. As far as I was concerned everyone who was supposed to be here, minus Vanessa who was arriving the next day, was here and the party could begin. All us girls sat up talking all night reminicing about high school and college days and filling Tara in on all of our funny stories.

Saturday James came to hangout with me while all the girls went to my parents house to prepare for the shower which was the following day, or so I thought. We went and saw Shrek in 3D which was awesome btw. The plan was I was meeting the girls at Dad and Jens house so we could all then go out in West Chester. Well once I walked into the house I realized quickly those plans were no longer as there was about 30 people yelling SURPRISE!!! My shower was actually Saturday. Good job to all of you who pulled one over on me. I was overwhelmed just with that surprise but there was more to come. I was told to close my eyes and when I opened them my Mum and my Grandma Banfield were standing in front of me and had flown all the way from England the day before. At this point it all became too much and I started crying, as did most of the room. The shower was more than I could ever have imagined. The bridal party, Jen, Anita, Mom, Mum & Grandma worked so hard to make sure the place looked beautiful and everyone had a great time. We played some games, Leona made the best slideshow of James and I growing up, Jen gave me my veil that she made, my family put together an English goodie basket and photo albums. I got to meet some of James family that I hadn't had the chance to meet in the past and it was great to do so. Honestly it was overwhelming to see how many people showed up or sent their 'good wishes' and show how much they care about James and I as we get ready to become husband and wife.

The weather this weekend was beautiful so Bill and Mom threw a little BBQ for my friends that were in town and my Mum and Grandma. It was so nice that they got to meet after they had apparently all been talking via email for the past 6 months! We went out on Sunday night and were entertained by James, David and Leona doing some karaoke. We ended the best weekend by moving some of our things into our new house which we now have the keys for and can officially move in:)