

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cisco Turns 1

Yes we know Cisco is a dog but he has bought us so much joy and love over the past year, not to mention many many laughs, that we had to celebrate him turning 1. Every birthday needs gifts so we treated him to a new bed as his current one isn't padded enough from him anymore as he folds it in half and sleeps on it like that. He now has a very soft bed that also has a very fluffy pillow in it. To keep him cool during the summer days we also picked up a little pool for him, which he did not seem too thrilled with today but hopefully it grows on him. Mom Mom and Pop Pop came over to help celebrate his big day and they gave him a new toy which he now carries everywhere with him; I have a feeling his 'girlfriend' is going to get replaced. To end the day we got him a dog cake, aka a peanut butter muffin. Considering he stuck his head right in it I would say he loved it. All in all I think Cisco enjoyed all of the attention and we all had a great time spoiling our little guy.