

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

16 Weeks

It's hard to believe I'm already into my second trimester! Time is just flying by, and Baby P will be here before we know it.

Our last check up went very well. The probe was barely on my stomach and we could hear the heartbeat loud and clear. It's always such a relief to hear that precious sound. The heart rate was 143bpm, which was a little slower than the last appointment but more than normal.

16 weeks

As you can see from the photo my bump is growing! I have been feeling the baby move, which is incredible! Today has been the most active for Baby P yet, or what I've felt anyway.
Thankfully I have been feeling a million times better the past 2 weeks. The throwing up seems to have stopped :) I'm still on my anti-nausea medicine but it's keeping the morning sickness at bay and thats all what matters. Stay tuned for the next update as we will know it's a little boy or girl in there....