

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, December 20, 2012

An Update on The Lil Man

It's been a while since I've given you all an update on our lil man, so lets see.... he  is growing at a crazy rate, and is starting to wear his 3 -6 months clothing now, which I'm not going to lie makes me a little sad. But with that comes more interaction with us every day. Waking up and seeing him beam a huge smile at me is priceless, and makes my heart melt every single time. That will never get old. He certainly recognizes James and I's voices and his head turns in our direction as soon as he hears us. He has put himself on a great sleeping schedule, down at 7pm, feeds at 11pm and sleeps until 6am, eats and back to bed until 8-9am. We are very lucky!

At his 2 month checkup I bought up a concern to his doctor. I had noticed that during tummy time Chase would always turn his head in the same direction, the same goes for when he was being held and sleeping. The doctor told me he had torticollis. It is where one side of the neck is tight and stops the baby from turning the head all the way in one direction. It is very common in breech babies, which he was. Thankfully we caught it very early on, so all that is needed is some physical therapy sessions and it will correct itself. We will be starting that after Christmas.

On December 16th we had Chase dedicated at our church, Calvary Chapel of Delaware County. It is important to us that Chase is raised knowing God and being involved in our church. Our family (minus those in England unfortunately) all came and we went out to lunch afterwards.

Here is a pic of the lil guy

Wednesday, December 19, 2012