

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Four Months

Our little boy is getting bigger and bigger each day. He had his four month check up today and he did great. He got 2 shots and was such a brave lil guy, let out one cry and was back to smiling in a second, though it may have something to do with the face that Daddy was at todays appointment :) I was a little anxious for this appointment as at his 2 month checkup the doctor noticed his head was starting to get a little flat spot. As soon as I heard that I thought of the helmet he would have to wear if it got worse. I did some research on preventing the 'flat head syndrome' and besdies LOTS of tummy time I found this thing called a baby moon, which looks like a donught and is a pillow like consistency. You use it whenver they are lying with their head on a heard surface. Well after using it for 2 months it seems to have done its job, (all for $18) as the doctor said his head shape looked great. Also his torticollis is improving and it won't be a concern for too much longer...phew! Who knew such a little being could create such worry :) We wouldn't change it for the world though.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Season 2012

It's hard to believe the Christmas season has come and gone and we are already a few days into 2013! With a family as large as ours we are usually pretty busy throughout this time of year, throw in changing plenty of diapers and feeding a baby and it's all done with in a flash.

We celebrated Christmas with the Berry's a little early this year as Mom and Bill were heading to Florida for 3 weeks to see Bill's son and family. The four of us wernt to one of our favorite Italian restaurants for dinner and came home to open presents and dig into some yummy desserts.

Grandma Smith of course came over from England and with not working this year I have been trying to spend as much time with her as possible, though really she just wants to see Chase ;) We got to spend time with James sister Anita, and her family which was great. It's always fun to see the kids and it's so cute to see them talking and playing with Chase.

This Christmas was the first Christmas morning James and I spent on our own without my family. Though it was a little sad not having my sisters waking us up at the crack of dawn with their excitement, it was really nice to start our own Christmas traditions as a family of 3. We did head up to my Dad's house for dinner and to exchange presents with them. Jen, as always cooked up a feast for us, a traditional English Christmas dinner..yum!

My birthday shortly follows Christmas, just adding more chaos to an already busy time :) This year was the big 30!!! James treated me to a day at the spa, which was just was this new Mum needed. A full body massage, facial and a spa mani/pedi. It was excellent. We ended the day with chinese food. It couldn't have been a better day. A few days later we managed to squeeze in a family birthday dinner at Olive Garden.

We got to see many of our good friends this Christmas season. The Holdens were in from Texas, unfortunately though we didn't get to see Magan and time! Rich and Sarah were up from VA and we had a little get together. Shawn and Leona stopped in on their drive back to TN. It was so great to see my bestie and treasure any minute I get to spend with her as they are far and few between. Of course I couldn't wait to show off Chase to her :) We had a few friends over for New Years eve, Rif, Suzanne, Sal & Diane. We had a great time hanging out and ringing in 2013.

Of course, we miss getting to see the family in England at this time, as well as anytime throughout the year. We did get to skype though, thanks to James and the new laptop he bought me for Christmas.

I'm very excited to see what 2013 has in store for the 3 of us; a new house? new job? We shall see. One thing I do know though is our little boy will continue to amaze us everyday as he has done for the past 3 1/2 months already.

Here are some photos from around Christmas time: