

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Yum Yum

I can't believe this day has come, our baby boy ate solids for the first time! I was trying to hold off until closer to 6 months but everytime, for the past week, whenever we eat in front of him he is trying to grab at it and is making the chewing motion the whole time. So off we went to Babies R Us to buy his highchair (which I'm not going to lie, made me tear up just a little) and today I made my first batch of baby food. With being home for the most part I really want to try making all if his food myself. I have researched and researched what to give for their first solid and when etc. Chase already gets rice cereal in his bottle for his refulx so I decided to skip that and try avocado. It super easy to make, mash it up and I added a little formula to make it runnier.

I gave Chase the teeniest tinest amount on his spoon (and he had his own spoon to play with) and he ate it right up. I can honestly say I've never seen our little boy so happy. He was squealing with delight the entire time and kept opening his mouth for sure. He is def his father's child when it comes to food :) With getting choked up at buying his highchair I thought I would have been a mess today, but seeing him enjoy trying food for the first time made my heart melt. We are going to continue with avocado for the next couple days, and then its onto squash :) Here are a few photos of the lil guy enjoying his first culinary experience.

Proud boy in his highchair 

First batch of baby food  

Got his own spoon 

First bite of food 

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Photo Book

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