

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Friday, April 19, 2013

7 months old

Another month of cuddles and kisses with the little man has passed by. I know people told us this would fly by, but geez this is insane. We have been blessed with such a happy baby boy and his smile lights up the room, and it's very rare to see him upset. I feel so lucky to get to spend all day with him.

This past month we took our first road trip with a baby. We were only gone one night, but wow the car was packed to the brim with all we needed for Chase. We went to NC to support James as he took his CCIE. Chase did phenomenal the whole trip. So good in fact that we really owe him a new toy for how well he behaved. While we were down there Chase and I got to meet up with the whole Feliciano gang, it was so good seeing them.

This month was also the first time Chase got sick :( He came down with the awful stomach bug that is going aroun. I came down with it a few hours later and James the next day. Let me tell you taking care of a sick baby, while you are sick and your husband is at work is no easy task. Thankfully after a whole bunch of peidialyte and lots of sleep and cuddles with Mummy he was baby to our beaming baby in no time.