

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nine Months

My how our little baby is turning more into a toddler everyday. He loves climbing into his ballpit and rolling around, he is so rough in there and looks like such a little boy. If he hits his head on a toy while rolling around he doesn't flinch, just keeps on going. But then there are still those moments when you see how little he really is; when he falls asleep while drinking his night time bottle or when he cries when I leave him in the childwatch at the gym. It's such a blessing getting to spend my whole day with him and see him get so excited over Cisco or how pleased he is when he does something. I am very thankful I don't have to miss a single second of it.

Incase you didn't hear Chase has now mastered the army crawl! We thought we still had a few weeks but nope, no Fathers Day at my Dad's house he decided now is the time, and we haven't been able to stop him since. I went into baby proofing mode at our house of course. Chase's new favorite game is to try and catch Cisco, fortunately for Cisco he is still quicker than Chase at this point in time. Chase has decided that he will only eat finger foods now, which is great for more as it mean no more blending all of his food, the only time it gets a little difficult is when we go out to eat as the veggies aren't always soft enough for him to eat. Chase doesn't seem to mind at all though as it means he gets extra bits of Mummy's filet.

His checkup went very well. He was a champ at getting blood taken and having his shots. He has grown but it has slowed down a little. His height is 28.5 inches (50th percentile), weight 19lbs. 5oz (35th percentile) and head 17 .75 inches, I forget the percentile for that. We are going to try taking him off of the zantac and see how he does. If he starts back up with the reflux we will start with the medicine again.

As always he is his nine month photo and stats.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Torticollis Update

As you know Chase was diagnosed with torticollis (tilting of the neck due to a weak muscle) around 2 1/2 months and started receiving physical therapy. Even with insurance our copays were $108 a session, which Chase went once a week. Of course there was never a question about paying it, but it's still a lot of money. In February we got approved for early intervention, which is free physical therapy provided by the county. The best part is the therapist comes to us! For the past few months Chase and I have been working hard on strengthening his neck and teaching him how to roll. I wouldn't call it a delay but due to his weaker neck, rolling has been a bit of a struggle for him. Well, it is all paying off, as at this weeks session the PT told us she wants to reduce Chase's sessions to every other week as she hasn't seen any tilt for the past 3 weeks! Chase doesn't get discharged completely as when he starts to crawl, it can pop back up temporarily. We are so relieved by this news as it really has been a focus each and every day while we play. Even though torticollis isn't life threatening it was still a little nervewracking as you want your child to be perfect and having to stretch a teeny baby neck is a little scary in itself, so we are very happy with this news. On top of this Chase has mastered rolling in both directions! I'm sure it wont be long until he is crawling all of the house now :)