

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Birthday Celebrations

As previously mentioned our family in England were arriving in the afternoon on Chase's birthday. After spending the morning at the park and a long nap we headed to the airport to pick them up. Unfortunately the drive there was a disaster; rush hour and an Eagles game made a 45 min drive take 2 hours. Instead of coming home to BBQ we at out and the service was terrible. We didn't get back home until 9pm. I felt so bad for the family as they have been up since 5am UK time. We couldn't let Chase go to bed without opening gifts and singing happy birthday, so we quickly snuck it in before everyone crashed. Even though things didn't go as planned we had a good time and of course excited that the family made it here safely 

The day after Chase's birthday was decided to take Chase to the zoo. Unfortunately David was working and couldn't make it, but the rest of us had a great time. Chase was fixated on the penguins and leopards. We got to check out the new KidsZooU and it was pretty cool, we got to pet and brush the goats and get up close to the mini horses. Chase seemed to enjoy it but I think was the one who was a little more excited lol.

Of course no birthday is complete without a birthday party. We had our family and closest friends over for a Dr Seuss 'Oh the place's you'll go" party. I spent a lot of time making the decorations and ordered poms from my friends business Simply Nesting (on Etsy). We also had amazing cupcakes and a smash cake for Chase, who went to town on that. I know Chase will never remember this party, but when he is older he can look back at the photos and video and see how much fun he had and also how many people love him. I'm not going to lie I was exhausted by the end of the party (and still had to pack for the vacation we were leaving on the next day) but it was so worth it. Thank you to everyone who came and/or sent gifts. We love each and everyone of you and are so thankful Chase has you in his life.