

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bestie Time

Back on August 1st, my best friend (and her hubbie) had their first child, a little girl Ellie. They live in TN, so unfortunately I was not able to be there for this amazing time in their lives, but my wonderful hubbie decided we should drive to TN in November to see them, and their new house! Of course I was ecstatic (as was Leona) .

I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous about how Chase would do with the drive (10 hours plus stops) but he did great!

We spent 3 days with Shawn, Leona and Ellie and we had so much fun. We didn't do any sight seeing, or go anywhere really, but we had the BEST time. We got to do what best friends, that live near each other, do. We hungout with our babies, ate amazing food, watched girly shows and talked ALOT. I am so blessed to have a friend like Leona. Besides James, she knows me better than anyone and our bond has only grown stronger since having our babies. Ellie is the cutest, sweetest little girl and is such a good baby. I'm so happy we got to spend time with her. Our husbands, rock, they get that we need our girl time together and would pretty much do anything to make sure it happens. Oh and they are highly entertaining when they are together.

Here are some pics of our time together

Leona, Shawn and Ellie

Best friends!

Lil Bestie

We are so blessed

Us in TN

Love this girl!