

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas

I can't believe we are on the other side of Christmas, there is so much anticipation and build up for the big day and then in the blink of an eye it's all over. Is it just me or is everyone in a hurry to take down the decorations this year? Not me, I'm going to leave them up for another week or two, the house looks so festive and I know Chase will be sad to see the twinkling lights go.

We had such a great Christmas this year and Chase was way more into that I expected him to be. Our first Christmas activity was making salt dough handprint ornaments for all of Chase's grand and great grand parents. It was so easy and he had a blast getting messy in the flour. We made one for our tree and it is by far his favorite ornament on the tree. We also attended a live nativity at my parents church and he watched the animals intently the whole carol service, while breaking Grandad's glasses..whoops! Of course we took Chase to see jolly old Santa Claus but he was not impressed and cried hysterically as soon as he was sitting in his lap.

This year I started a new tradition for us and that is the Christmas Eve box. Inside the box are pjs for the whole family to wear that night, a Christmas movie (one for the adults and one for Chase), and a Christmas book for Chase to add to his collection. It was fun putting it together and Chase enjoyed watching his Thomas the Train Christmas movie.

We met up with the Smith side of the family for an early dinner at a favorite restaurant of ours and then went to service. As soon as the music started Chase started clapping and oooing. He especially loved the candles we got to light at the end and he even got his own candle, aka a glowstick! Genius idea there. To end the night we went back to Dad and Jen's house to exchange gifts and have dessert. Chase was a trooper and was going strong even at 10pm! I have to say being a parent at Christmas and getting to play Santa is so much more exciting that being a kid at Christmas. I loved setting up all of the gifts around the tree and making it perfect for when Chase came down in the morning.

Christmas day started early! I was hoping Chase would sleep in seeing he went to be so late, but no such luck. His face when we came down the stairs more than made up for the lack of sleep. He slowly looked around the room and a smile spread across his little face and oo-oo oo-oo was being said on repeat. I then made the mistake of trying to strap him in his highchair for breakfast, BIG FAIL!! Lets just say breakfast was dry cheerios in a snack cup lol. He had so much fun tearing off the wrapping paper and moving from one box to another. He decided he should also get to open James gifts lol. Our little boy was so spoilt with gifts, but you know what he deserves it :) With not going to my Dad's house this year, it was the first time I was cooking Christmas dinner. Mom and Bill came up in the afternoon to join us and we all had a great time playing with Chase and eating an English Christmas dinner, Christmas crackers included! We ended the day with watching a Christmas movie.

Boxing day we were catching up with ourselves but got to have a nice lunch with Dad and Cathy as they came up to see us. Chase was clearly exhausted still as he fell asleep in his highchair but quickly found a burst of energy when it came time for opening presents.

And so let the countdown begin for Christmas 2014!!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

15 Month Check In

It has been a busy few months since our last update on Chase. He has developed such a little personality since turning one, and along with that came the lovely tantrum. We still love him to death though. He is finally walking and he is so proud of himself whenever he does it. His affection for Cisco has grown and he throws a fit if Cisco doesn't co-operate by being right by him at all times.
My favorite, melt my heart moment is when Chase now squeezes my neck ever so tightly while giving me a hug, nothing beats it. Well it's a tie for first place with a kiss from the little man, but either or makes all of the craziness worth it.

We have started attending storytime and music class on a regular basis and Chase goes nuts when we pull up outside of the library, lots of 'oooo's ' can be heard from the back seat. He also just finished his first swimming class at the Y. He was too cute in his little board shorts and is most certainly a fish. I have a feeling we will be spending lots of time at the pool this coming summer, and that is ok with me! Chase also has made some new friends in our neighborhood, two boys, both of them are also 1 and it's so cute watching them play together. I think both of them had talks with Chase about the whole walking thing and that it's a must do!

Our little man was not much of a fan on Santa this year, but he is all about the Christmas tree and the lights. I can't wait for him to come downstairs on Christmas morning and see all that Santa has left for him, as he was such a good boy this year. It is crazy to think that last Christmas he could barely hold his head up and this year he is walking and tears into presents like it's his job.

We hope you all have a wonderful and Merry Christmas!!!!!