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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, July 28, 2016

BabyP3 Update: 15 Weeks

Clearly I have no been as good with my baby updates this time around as I was with either of the boys, but I've got 2 busy little boys to entertain all day. I'm sure little brother or sister will understand!

How far along: 15 weeks...second trimester...yay!!
Gender: Jury is out until the beginning of September
Baby's heartbeat: we haven't heard it yet. Can't wait to hear that sweet sound
Weight gain: 5lbs at most. All food is disgusting to me currently.
Maternity clothes: I am wearing both maternity and non maternity shorts and non maternity shirts
Stretch marks: No new ones yet but it's early days
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Thanks to my pregnancy pillow I'm sleeping well
Best moment this week: feeling the little movements of babyp3
Miss anything: enjoying food. I eat because I have to.
Movement: feeling little flutters every other day or so
Cravings: zucchini bread
Queasy or sick: Nauseous ALL the time!!
Looking forward to: Our appointment on Monday and hearing the heartbeat for the first time