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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Asher James: Three Years

Asher was sooo excited to turn three. I think in his mind that number made him a big kid, he is constantly reminding us that he is now big.
With Chase being gone every morning, and with Asher being in school I feel like we are starting to see Asher develop his own interests and way of navigating though life, though he still wants to do everything Chase does. That said, he spends a fair amount of time away from me now and that has been a bit of a challenge for him. But we give extra cuddles, and Daddy laying with him until he falls asleep to help with that.
We all know Asher is a sparkplug and goes a mile a minute but having Hayley around has softened him a little. He adores his sister like non other and takes every opportunity to kiss and love on her that he can get.
I just love watching our now middle child grow, he loves to put a smile on your face, is sensitive to others and loves hard.

Stats: He is 33lbs 4oz (68%) and is 40 inches tall (535).

Sleep: The biggest change is that he now sleeps in his big boy bed. As I figured, he is the child to get out of bed a million times before staying in bed and falling asleep. He goes down to bed the same time as Chase around 7:30pm and will wakes around 7:30am. If we are out and about for the day he will take a snooze in the car.

Social: Asher is now in school two mornings a week and is doing really well. He was comfortable with going there because of dropping Chase off for the past two years. He has already made a few friends there and I love hearing him tell me about his day. We did sign him up for soccer and swim also and he was a little shy at first but has gained a lot of confidence in both.

Diet: Having two boys that never stop eating is hard work. I'm always preparing food it seems. If Asher could eat chicken nuggets, grapes and yogurt for every meal, he would. I'm a mean Mum though and make him step out of his comfort zone.

Skills/Milestones: He has learnt so much so fast, which I think it's because he is fearless and will give anything a shot. He is completely potty trained and has been since the beginning of the summer. He can ride a bike with the best of them. Coloring and drawing has become one of his favorite things to do and can draw people really well. He is currently working on writing letters. 

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, Hayley, grandparents, Lightning McQueen, Minions, sports, Hot Wheel cars, dressing up, music.

Chase Patrick: Five Years

Five, how did we get here so fast? We are long past the toddler and even little boy days to just a boy. While I am so proud of the kind-hearted, thoughtful, inquisitive boy he has become, it is a little sad to see how fast it has all gone by.
He is such a joy to be around. He really is my helper when James is around and is the best role model to his siblings. He can calm Asher when he is upset and knows how to handle Hayley with the perfect amount of gentleness.
He loves to learn and asks me a million questions each and every day, and I love that about him. One of my favorite times of day is when I go in to say goodnight. It's basically our only time we have just the two of us and so we will lay there and chit chat about his day; he telling my stories about his friends at school, me answering his questions of the day and of course plenty of snuggles. He will always be my baby after all.

Stats: While he is still only in the 2% for his weight we have finally crossed the 30lb mark and he now weighs 31 lbs 4oz. He is 41inches tall which puts him in the 15%.  We did have bloodwork ran to make sure there isn't a reason behind his slow weight gain, but everything came back normal, and so we attribute it to him taking after James when he was a kid.

Sleep: With being in school 5 mornings a week Chase is usually in bed by 7:30am and wakes up around 7am. Every once in a while he will come in to us in the night and climb into our bed, otherwise we dont hear a peep out of him all night.

Social: Chase's confidence has just soared overnight and it makes me so happy to see him so sure of himself. He walks right into school without looking back, and he loves to go. He has become louder and more daring on the soccer field, as well as in swim class. He is quite often the one convincing Asher that it's ok to go do those things. He has such a great group of friends surrounding him and I love hearing their conversations, though I could do without the ones involving poop and farts.

Diet: The kid never stops eating, like ever. By the end of the day we have eaten every type of food in the house. He still eats a variety of food and will usually try anything you put in front of him. The two things he isn't a huge fan of is potatoes and yogurt. 

Skills/Milestones: His reading and writing are coming along so well. He is doing addition and subtraction.

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Asher, Hayley, grandparents, Cisco, puppy dog (and stuffed animals in general), Lightening McQueen, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, riding his bike, Hot Wheels, space.