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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hayley Ann Mae: Twelve Months

We made it!!!! Actually Hayley was the easiest baby yet so getting to one year was a breeze. It's just such a bittersweet moment. I love watching her little personality develop but it's really hard knowing we are done with the whole baby stage forever...*sigh*.
I was so nervous right before Hayley was born, about having a girl, that my experience so far had only been with boys, and how different would they be to raise? Would I be good handling a girl? I laugh now because, while she has been different to raise, it hasn't phased me in the slightest. She is just the sweetest girl around, she loves to give hugs and be hugged in return. Her favorite thing to do is climb and be attached to me at all times. She has the brightest smile in the world and makes friends with everyone that crosses her path. We prayed so hard for baby #3, we just knew we were meant to be a family of 5, but the wait was tough, long and discouraging at times. Yet God knew what he was doing. He knew the perfect timing for the final addition and not only that but a little girl. He knew that my heart needed her, that James heart needed her. A spot has been filled that I never knew existed. She is my sidekick and I am thoroughly enjoying building that mother/daughter relationship.

Stats: 22lbs 2oz (80th%) and 29.5inches tall (58th%) so healthy girl all around

Sleep: We are in a great groove with sleeping. She takes one long nap in the afternoon, normally around 3 hours long. Then sleeps a solid 12 hours at night. 

Social: She is such my mini me in that Hayley will make friends with everyone and anyone. She ADORES babies especially baby Andie and instantly goes to hug any child that is her age. I'm hoping to start taking her to story time now that she's a little older. 

Diet: Still loves ALL the food especially anything dairy and meat related. She is drinking cows milk but refuses to drink it from her sippy cup so we are still hanging onto the bottles for a little while longer. 

Skills/Milestones: Waving hi and bye and saying both of those words. Cruising and climbing. Is starting to use a spoon when feeding herself. Gives hugs and kisses. Can say dog, more, Mum and Daddy  
Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, Asher, Cisco, looooves music and being sung to, enjoys bath time, playing in the refrigerator, babies (real and dolls)