

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, October 29, 2018

England is Calling

Even though I have lived in America since I was 14 years old, England is still home and part of me is always missing it and my family there. Our last visit was back in 2015 so needless to say it felt so good to be back there. Our main purpose for going was to visit my Grandma Smith, she still hadn't met Hayley, which needed to happen.

As you can imagine the boys were beyond excited once we got on the plane, not only because of where we were going but with the actual plane itself. Chase remembers the last flight a little but Asher had no recollection at all. It was a night flight heading over and we were absolutely those parents drugging their kids with melatonin in hopes of a smooth flight. It worked for Hayley and Asher, infact Asher didnt want to wake up once we had landed. Chase however slept for maybe an hour and watched movies the rest of the flight. Unfortunately it caught up with Chase once we had landed and got sick.

Our first day back in England tradition is to get a chippy aka fish n chip shop for dinner. It was hands down one of the best meals of the trip. If only I could pick one up for dinner tonight....

Normally when we visit we plan a lot of sight seeing but this time, with the exception of an overnight trip to Blackpool we decided to stay close to home and visit with Grandma as much as we could. Staying local meant taking the kids to places I used to go as a child which was pretty neat. One afternoon we stopped by the park I used to play at and not much had changed at all.

Our trip to Blackpool was really fun and I'm glad we went. Blackpool is a famous seaside town in England, way back in the day it used to be where everyone went. In the fall they light up the sea front and you ride a tram along and look at all the lights. We went a few times as kids. The day we arrived in Blackpool it was a gorgeous day, 70 degrees! Perfect day for a walk along the sea front and check out the sand, of course one child had to end up ankle deep in water!! We spent a good amount of time in the arcades. The boys never say no to playing video games. Hayley enjoyed playing the 2 penny slots with Grandma. She cottoned on to how the machines drop money out of the bottom and was running around the whole place taking whatever coins she could. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed viewing the lights. It made for a late night, but after some yummy food back at the hotel we all crashed.

Our plan the next day was to go up the famous Blackpool Tower, however the weather had done a 180 and was too windy to go up. Instead we went to the Sea Life center and it was so fun. The kids had an absolute blast and it was one of their favorite things that we did overall.

Of course we spent a lot of time seeing family and friends. Grandma Banfield came up for a few days to see us. One day we went to Derby shopping and another day to East Midlands airport so the kids could see the airplanes taking off and landing. Right next to one end of the runway is an area made for viewing just this and a little airplane museum. Darcey was visiting for the weekend and the kids became instant best friends. It was so cute seeing them play together.
On the Saturday Mum invited our family over to have some food and hangout. It's always good to catch up with everyone.

One night James and I escaped the kids and met up with a couple of my oldest friends. I have been friends with Matt and Ash since we were in nursery together, so since we were 2 or 3 years old. Even though go a few years in between seeing each other (granted we stay in touch via facebook), whenever we hangout its like we saw each other a few weeks ago. We always have so much fun, many laughs and drinks are shared.

One of my favorite days of the trip was taking all the kids to Ash End Farm. It was basically Chase's dream come true. They got to feed and pet rabbits and goats, hold a chick, sit on a pony, hold any reptile they desired, watch a falconry show and feed the pigs. It was extremely hands on and something the boys wont forget. After we were done in the animals we headed over to the play barn where the kids ran wild for an hour guaranteeing us all an easy bedtime.

Our last day in England was low key but so fun. Our small town has a dry ski slope and a toboggan run! One of the things I knew I wanted to do with them from the day we booked the trip was to take them on the toboggan. As expected they loved it. James, Paul and I took turns taking them down. From the mouths of the boys; Daddy drove the slowest and Grandad went super fast!!!
We ended the day by  going and feeding the ducks, well ducks, swans, geese, seagulls at Stapenhill Gardens. Again another old stomping ground of mine.

Seeing Grandma was so good, tough as when we booked to come over we didnt think she would be in a hospital, but it was still good none the less. Leaving her in a hospital is something I really struggled with. Goodbyes are never easy.

All in all it was an amazing trip, it was relaxing, we ate a ton and spent quality time together as a family. The kids had the best time ever! The whole plane ride home Hayley kept standing on the seat, yelling "Mammaa, Mammaa", while looking around for Grandma. A couple of days after being home, Chase said to me, "did you get me from England too?" He was disappointed when I told him no, but perked right up when I was said he was 50% English.

Until next time England!!!