

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Love, love, love

While we don't go overboard for Valentines Day in our house, it's still fun to do a little celebrating and to take the time to show those we love, just how much we love them; you three included!

I can never put into words just how much we love you, Chase, Asher and Hayley. The love for your child just can't be described, you will only realize the depths of mine and Daddy's love for you, when you have your own children. You are the center of our lives and the reason for which we do everything. We love every inch of you; from your little piggy toe to the top of your head!

The way you love and care for each other is just as important. If I could freeze any point in time, it would be this. Chase you at age 6, Asher age 4 (even though you so badly want to get to 5) and Hayley at 2, because you all get along SO well. You have little squabbles every now and then over somebody not sharing, or somebody getting poked when they didn't want to be. Overall you can see the connection the 3 of you have and I pray that it always remains that way. That you always have each others backs, that you think of your two siblings before yourself and that you always laugh together as much as you do now. You are each other's God given best friends.