

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Life in a Nutshell

 Oh man kids, this past year has just really gotten away from me writing on here. I'll try and give you guys an update on our life, though I'm not quite sure any of us will forget this time in our lives. 

So currently Covid is getting better, all of us adults are vaccinated, yay! I can't tell you what a relief it is to feel safer in this crazy world. It never seemed to affect kids too badly so we do feel better about going out and about in the world again, still safely of course. But to be around family and friends again, is just the best! 

It's been tough on all of us really, staying away from family and friends. It's been two years since we've seen Grandma and Grandad Redfern and Granny. We are hoping to see them next summer, at that point it will be 3 years since they've seen you. They miss you so so much! Thank goodness we can at least video chat with them and they can see you grow. It's been especially hard on me, not seeing that side of my family, especially after loosing Grandma Oo-oo. 

I am so thankful I've had you 3 around every day this past year. I don't think you will ever understand how you have kept my head up on tough days, how you made me laugh when I felt like crying. I love you all more than you will ever understand. 

You boys did school virtually for the entire year and I'm so proud of you both. You took a tough situation and rocked it! We had some rough days, sure, but overall it was a great experience and getting to ear lunch together every day, have recess together, has been so fun. I will never turn down more time with you all. In fact we are considering homeschooling...

Hayley, you were my first attempt at homeschooling and not only were we successful but we had more fun than I could have imagined. Teaching you was such a joy little girl! 

I promise I'm going to get back to keeping this up more again as I want you to have this to always looks back on to remember our lives! 

So here are your school photos from this year, you guys need to stop growing!