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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby P: 12 weeks

We have made it through the first trimester!!!! We are so relieved to be at this stage of the pregnancy; not only because we know the baby has made it through the most critical stage but also because the past 3 months have been rough. Along with the complete exhaustion that every mother to be goes through, I've also had terrible morning sickness - which has landed me in the ER. I've been on medicine since about week 8 and while it does help it has not taken the morning sickness away entirely.

My husband has been amazing throughout this whole period. He has waited on me hand and foot, made sure I'm taking my medicine, does the majority of the laundry and even goes to the grocery store by himself when I can't make it there. He is going to make a wonderful Dad to this little one inside of me.
Me at 7 weeks, you wouldnt know I was pregnant from looking at me.

Me at 12 weeks

At our 12 week appointment we got to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time, which words can't describe how I felt. Both of us teared up and I know we could have sat and listened to that sound all day long. The heartbeat is nice and strong 152bpm. Again we both felt very relieved that everything is going well. As you can tell I'm starting to look a little more pregnant, though I feel like I look like I ate too many cookies. Somehow, amongst all of the throwing up I have gained 9 pounds, which amazes me. It makes sense as to why my pants are feeling tight and uncomfortable. Over the next couple weeks I'm going to have to invest in some maternity pants. I am hoping that the morning sickness will start to subside now that the first trimester is over.

Thank you to everyone for all of your well wishes and prayers so far in this journey. We both feel very blessed that we are getting to become parents to this little one and I know that we are already excited about meeting him/her.

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