

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Meeting Grandma & Grandad

On Nov 2nd Chase got to meet his Grandma and Grandad Redfern for the first time and spend an entire week with them. With Hurricane Sandy hitting a few days prior we were a little nervous about them being able to arrive on time, but thankfully they made it here with no issues.
We had a wonderful week together and despite it being unseasonably cold, got out to do some fun things. Of course, Mum and Paul would have been perfectly happy sitting at home holding and loving on Chase their entire trip :) Even with doing some sightseeing there was plenty of cuddle time, and Chase loved every minute of it. He started smiling the week before they arrived and while they were here, they both got smiles from him.
Unfortunately they did have to go home, and we miss them a lot. Even Cisco,  as he got a lot of attention too! We can't wait until they come back next year for Chase's first birthday.
Here are some pics from throughout the week.

 Hanging with Grandma
 At the aquarium

 Enjoying a shake at Nifty Fifty's
 Cuddle time with Grandma &Grandad

 Family dinner at Duffers
 Mum made me her delicious cheese scones
 Dinner at Texas Roadhouse
 Visit to Longwood Gardens
Bath time with Grandma

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