

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Chase's 1st Easter

What a great 1st Easter Chase had! We got to see half of the family, tried watermelon and frosting for the first time, and celebrated Pop Berry's birthday.
We enjoyed a yummy brunch buffet at McKenzies with the Berrys. Pop Berry gave Chase his first piece of watermelon, which was a hit. Pop Berry's birthday was this past week but unfortunately we couldn't see Pop Berry on his birthday so today we celebrated with cake and ice cream. Chase also helped Pop Berry read his cards :)
We ended the day by having dinner with Grandma and Grandad Smith, Davey, Annika, Naomi and Great Grandma Janet and Great Grandad Ken who are in from England. Needless to say we had one very tired little boy on our hands this evening and was asleep as soon as his head hit the mattress.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

6 month stats

Chase had his 6 month check up today, and with moving it was the first time visiting the new doctor. She was wonderful and Chase hammed it up with her the whole visit. He is a healthy little boy with a wonderfully round head, that was the doctors words lol. It always great to hear you are doing this parenting thing correctly though! Over the next few weeks we will be adding meats to his diet! I have been making all of his food and I get so excited over the ever expanding options of what I can feed him :) Anyways, here are the 6 month stats, and of course a photo...enjoy!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy Half Birthday

It's hard to believe that our lil guy is half way to his first birthday already! Only a couple more months and I'll be in full party planning mode :) Chase has grown and changed so much this past month. He is so proud of himself when he masters something new, and of course I am one proud Mummy! To celebrate his half birthday we went to get his 6 month pictures taken and he was quite the ham, though with me putting a camera in front of his face everyday should we really expect anything less? We stopped by Grandma and Grandad Smith's house in the afternoon where he got to enjoy a type of rice cake snack which he seemed to love so much, he tried to steal Grandma's out of her hand :) I could go on and on about Chase as he is our pride and joy, but instead I'll leave you with a couple of photos from today.