

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Days at the Beach

All of you who know me, know that I am a huge beach fan and I was so excited that we got the opportunity to spend the weekend in Wildwood NJ. Not only did I get to spend that time with my 2 fave guys, but also Mom and Bill. The reason for the trip to the shore was to celebrate Mom's birthday, and I don't like to brag but I think we threw her a great weekend at the beach :)

We stayed at an awesome motel, a block from the beach, called Nantucket Inn. It had a really nice pool and was very clean, I would highly recommend it to anyone heading to Wildwood. We had so much fun, mostly because Chase is highly entertaining every second of the day, but it was great getting to spend time with Mom and Bill also. We hit the boardwalk quite a bit; of course ice cream and pizza on the boards are a must. We also tried fried oreos for the first time, which are highly dangerous as they were soooo good.

As you can imagine I couldn't wait to get Chase down onto the sand. It is my goal to make him as much as a beach bum as I am, and I don't think it's going to be a difficult task. Now it wasn't his first time on the beach, but it was the first time going with him being mobile, which made it an entirely different experience. The kid was covered, head to toe in wet sloppy sand, that's what it's all about though right? If Chase could talk I would have to say his favorite thing was chasing after the seagulls, which he did doing his army crawl lol, it was a sight! Anthony and Anita were kind enough to give us their wagon from when Jenna and Justin were small and what a lifesaver that was. Not only did we put Chase in it, but it was piled high with towels, beach toys, baby goods etc. It was much easier to pull in the sand that the stroller.

We ended the trip with a nice dinner for Mom's birthday at the Wharf. We couldn't have asked for an nicer way to end the weekend than with good food, those we love and a beautiful sunset.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Eleven Months

Boy is it tiring keeping up with our little guys these days! I look at him and see more and more of a toddler everyday. He is so determined to do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. He makes sure to let us know when he is not happy being pulled away from his toys to have his diaper changed. Is it possible for 11 month olds to throw tantrums because I'm pretty sure they are creeping through. With that said 99% of the time he is still a big sweetie and keeps us laughing all day. He and Cisco are becoming better friends every day and I love watching them play together. Cisco even lets Chase pet him now..big strides!!!! I can't believe I only have one more post of his first year monthly update. It makes me sad but I am so excited for all the fun moments we will continue to share.