

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, August 19, 2013

Eleven Months

Boy is it tiring keeping up with our little guys these days! I look at him and see more and more of a toddler everyday. He is so determined to do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. He makes sure to let us know when he is not happy being pulled away from his toys to have his diaper changed. Is it possible for 11 month olds to throw tantrums because I'm pretty sure they are creeping through. With that said 99% of the time he is still a big sweetie and keeps us laughing all day. He and Cisco are becoming better friends every day and I love watching them play together. Cisco even lets Chase pet him now..big strides!!!! I can't believe I only have one more post of his first year monthly update. It makes me sad but I am so excited for all the fun moments we will continue to share.

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