

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Asher James: One Month

I thought time flew by when Chase was a newbie, I can't even keep up with what day it is now that there are two little ones running my day, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm not going to lie I was little nervous, wondering if it was possible to love two little ones so much and I can tell you it is totally possible. Asher has us completely smitten, just like his big brother did. Overall it has been a fairly easy adjustment and we have Asher to thank for that. He came home sleeping 3 hour stretches at night and will happily hang out in the swing or bouncy chair on and off throughout the day while I wrangle Chase. Part of me feels guilty not being able to give Asher the one on one attention Chase received but I've learnt to take full advantage of Chase's 2 to 3 hour nap and let Asher snuggle on me all he wants. It also forces me to put my feet up for a while. The only time Asher seems to cry is when he is hungry, other than that he is content watching his big brother run all around him. Speaking of big brother, Chase has done exceptionally well to the changes in our house and always runs to make sure his little brother is ok when he hears Asher crying. He also kisses Asher goodnight which melts my heart. I can't wait to watch the relationship develop between the two of them. I hope they are as good a friends as David and I were growing up.

James returned back to work after taking 2 weeks off and we are back in the full swing of our normal playdates and outings and loving life as a family of 4.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Welcome to the world Asher James!

I never thought Asher's birth day would get here but we made it! The night before the morning of the csection was worse than Christmas Eve as a child; I think I slept for an hour and a half at most. We had to be at the hospital for 6am which meant leaving the house at 5:15am, between not sleeping, getting up so early, and feeling nervous, excited and worried about leaving Chase I felt sooo sick. Thankfully once we got settled into our room my nerves calmed down and I was just excited about meeting Asher.

All of the doctors and nurses involved in the birth of Asher were wonderful. They kept me calm, joked around with us and made a special moment in our lives that much better. The csection went extremely well and the pain and pressure of the surgery was less than with Chase which was a nice surprise. As soon as Asher entered this world at 8:45am on September 26th 2014, he let out some of the biggest cries I've ever heard, such a joyous sound though. We all had a huge shock when Asher was put on the scale and it read 9lbs!!!!! James asked what unit they were measuring in as he didn't possibly think we could have a 9lb baby lol. I say all the more cheeks to pinch!!!! He measured 21.5 inches long. We delivered at Paoli hospital this time and we were so excited that we were allowed to have a camera in the OR and that they let me hold Asher immediately (with assistance) which I never got to do with Chase. James also got to cut the cord this time around.

Our first visitor was big brother Chase, and he has been a champ with all of the changes that have come his way. Though he has yet to hold Asher it is evident that he loves him. Chase was a little put off when he first came to the hospital and saw me hooked up to machines and IV's in my arm but got better with each day that he came to visit me. By the second day he was wanting to watch Asher in his bassinet and laughed at all the noises his baby brother made. By the third day he was showing Asher his toys and was wanting to sit next to him. Now that we have been home for a few days he has really stepped up as a big brother. He likes to help give Asher his bottle, put the paci in Asher's mouth when he is crying, cover him up with blankets and even gave Asher his balloon, which if you know Chase speaks volumes. Chase did have a really rough time when I was in the hospital in that he wouldn't sleep or eat. I felt terrible and one night barely slept as I was so worried about him. James, Mom and Bill did an amazing job of taking care of him while I was in the hospital but I was so relieved to get home and comfort him.


I thought the day flew by when it was just Chase, boy now I blink and it's lunch time and then before I know it it's time for Chase to have a bath. It's been extremely hard not picking Chase up but thankfully James is home for 2 weeks and it's been so nice having the opportunity to form our new family. I was a little nervous about how chaotic it would be adding a second child but so far things have been going smoothly, though I'm sure once James heads back to work the chaos will hit. Asher eats every 2.5 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night. The past 2 nights he has done a 4 hour stretch from midnight to 4am which I am loving. Having a non reflux baby after a reflux baby is a huge change. We couldn't put Chase down period. Asher will sleep the day away in his swing or bouncy seat which has also helped make the transition easier, and gives us a chance to give Chase some one on one time.

I have been feeling well considering I had surgery less than a week ago. I tried cutting the painkillers out today but that wasn't a good idea, so I'll keep up on them for the next few days. My energy is usually on empty by the time Chase goes down to bed and I feel like I was hit by a truck, but again par for the course. I def can't wait to get to the point where I can lift Chase again and feel like a human again.

Asher has only been in our lives for 6 days but we love him so much already. He loves to snuggle up into my neck and I have to say I love it just as much as he does. We can't wait to see his little personality develop but we are soaking up this short time of him being a newborn. We are so thankful that we have been blessed with 2 healthy adorable boys.