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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Asher James: One Month

I thought time flew by when Chase was a newbie, I can't even keep up with what day it is now that there are two little ones running my day, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm not going to lie I was little nervous, wondering if it was possible to love two little ones so much and I can tell you it is totally possible. Asher has us completely smitten, just like his big brother did. Overall it has been a fairly easy adjustment and we have Asher to thank for that. He came home sleeping 3 hour stretches at night and will happily hang out in the swing or bouncy chair on and off throughout the day while I wrangle Chase. Part of me feels guilty not being able to give Asher the one on one attention Chase received but I've learnt to take full advantage of Chase's 2 to 3 hour nap and let Asher snuggle on me all he wants. It also forces me to put my feet up for a while. The only time Asher seems to cry is when he is hungry, other than that he is content watching his big brother run all around him. Speaking of big brother, Chase has done exceptionally well to the changes in our house and always runs to make sure his little brother is ok when he hears Asher crying. He also kisses Asher goodnight which melts my heart. I can't wait to watch the relationship develop between the two of them. I hope they are as good a friends as David and I were growing up.

James returned back to work after taking 2 weeks off and we are back in the full swing of our normal playdates and outings and loving life as a family of 4.

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