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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Asher James: Ten Months

Another month in the books with our little Asher and creeping closer to him turning One! Now that he has crawling mastered there is no stopping him! He is taking steps (quick steps at that) holding onto our hands and I'm sure he will be walking within the next couple of months. He wants to keep up with big brother in the worst way.

Stats: We don't have an official weigh in/doctors appointment until he turns 1 but I'm guessing he is just over 24lbs and around 30 inches long. He is wearing all 18 month clothing at this point and by fall will be in 24 months.

Sleep: Not too much has changed in this department. He still wakes between 5am and 6am to eat and goes back to sleep in our bed. We had a couple of rough nights due to teething but then on the flip side he has started to settle himself back to sleep when he wakes in the night...yay!

Social: Still dealing with some separation anxiety but I know it comes with his age and it's just a phase he is going though. He loves to play with Chase and has started to hug him, especially in the bath and it's just the cutest. If Chase tries to talk a toy from him he completely flips out trying to keep the toy and defend himself. He has also become a little flirt, always managing to catch the eye of a girl/woman and eats up the attention they give to him.

Diet: Shockingly enough Asher has become a little picky about food. I don't know if it's due to teething or he is trying to claim some independence but it's a little frustrating. I can't complain too much as he still eats a ton and a wide variety of food.

Skills/Milestones: Crawling at lightening speed and is holding onto our hands and taking steps. As much as I don't want him to grow up part of me can't wait for him to walk as he is heavy! He can say nanana (banana) and awwdo (all done). He hasn't been quite as chatty as Chase was a baby but this past month he has really become quite vocal. It's adorable to hear him 'talk' and you can tell he is really trying to tell us things in his own little way.

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, play food and play kitchen, the splash pad, paci, little people zoo and animals.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Asher James: 9 Months

9 months??? How can it be? Time with this little guy is just flying by at warp speed. He is learning some new skill everyday and is growing faster than I can keep up with. However baby boy loves his snuggles more than any baby I've ever known and you better believe I am taking full advantage of them.

Stats: Those rolls don't lie he is our chunker for sure, and yes I squeeze him all day every day! At 9 months he clocked in at 23lbs 10oz (95th percentile) and is 29 inches long (76th percentile). He will not be a shrimp of a kid. Doctor was very pleased with his progress and said he is extremely healthy, and cute, which of course I agree with.

Sleep: All in all I can't complain. He goes down between 7/7:30pm, wakes up at 6am to eat and goes back to sleep (in our bed) until 8:30ish. He is currently on two naps a day, roughly around 2 hours total. He does usually wake up once or twice a night for his paci and goes back to sleep. I think I've had only one sleepless night this month so I consider that a win. The one area we really need to work on is letting him put himself to sleep. He doesn't do well with it at all, cries hysterically to the point of hyperventilating so I really haven't been pushing it. Usually he falls asleep within 5 minutes of being rocked so for the time being that's our routine and honestly I really don't mind the cuddles and ending his day with a little one on one time is perfect.

 Social: He is a very social baby, as long as I'm around. If I even think of leaving the room while at a playdate, get ready for the water works. I do remember Chase going through some separation anxiety around this age so I know it's normal for Asher to act that way. From having an older brother with an active social life, Asher is always on the go. We have been frequent visitors to the pool and splash pad, and to my relief Asher is a little fish. He has also gone airplane watching, taken trips to the beach and had a Day out with Thomas and Friends. Asher does well around his little friends Eli and Isabelle and loves watching Chase and the big kids play. Of course his best friend is Chase. I love to watch them play together and it is quite obvious that Asher looks up to Chase.

Diet: We know from Asher's stats that he is no slouch when it comes to eating. Kid loves his food and you know what that makes my day so much easier. He is on table food 100% of the time. I love that I can give everyone the same thing for meals now. His favorite foods are yogurt, any fruit, bbq chicken and quesadillas (he loooves going to Moes for lunch). This past month he has dropped his mid-day bottle and now drinks a bottle at 6am and before bed. He has mastered the sippy cup and drinks 3 cups of water a day.

 Skills/Milestones: so many changes in this department, the biggest one is Asher is now mobile. Two days before he turned 9 months old he decided to crawl. He had been trying so hard for the past two months to get moving so I almost cried when he finally did it. He is so happy and much less frustrated that he can get around the house now and somewhat keep up with his big bro. As I mentioned before he has the sippy cup drinking skills down and he feeds himself now. He can pull up on objects such as the water table, toy chest, walk etc. Clapping is something else we can add to the list. He is also saying "mama, Dada, and makes a certain noise for Chase and another noise for Cisco. Plays peek a boo. Gives kisses.

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, Lightening McQueen car, ball, touch and feel and lift the flap books, playing in any body of water (water table, bath, pool etc), being outside in general.

We had Asher dedicated on June 14th and Fairvew Village Church. We have been attending church for over a year there and we really like it. It was a special day and it was so nice to have our family this side of the pond be there with us. Of course we missed having the family in England being there.

Asher is the biggest sweetheart around and a smile that makes your heart melt. We are so blessed to have him as a part of our family.