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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Asher James: Ten Months

Another month in the books with our little Asher and creeping closer to him turning One! Now that he has crawling mastered there is no stopping him! He is taking steps (quick steps at that) holding onto our hands and I'm sure he will be walking within the next couple of months. He wants to keep up with big brother in the worst way.

Stats: We don't have an official weigh in/doctors appointment until he turns 1 but I'm guessing he is just over 24lbs and around 30 inches long. He is wearing all 18 month clothing at this point and by fall will be in 24 months.

Sleep: Not too much has changed in this department. He still wakes between 5am and 6am to eat and goes back to sleep in our bed. We had a couple of rough nights due to teething but then on the flip side he has started to settle himself back to sleep when he wakes in the night...yay!

Social: Still dealing with some separation anxiety but I know it comes with his age and it's just a phase he is going though. He loves to play with Chase and has started to hug him, especially in the bath and it's just the cutest. If Chase tries to talk a toy from him he completely flips out trying to keep the toy and defend himself. He has also become a little flirt, always managing to catch the eye of a girl/woman and eats up the attention they give to him.

Diet: Shockingly enough Asher has become a little picky about food. I don't know if it's due to teething or he is trying to claim some independence but it's a little frustrating. I can't complain too much as he still eats a ton and a wide variety of food.

Skills/Milestones: Crawling at lightening speed and is holding onto our hands and taking steps. As much as I don't want him to grow up part of me can't wait for him to walk as he is heavy! He can say nanana (banana) and awwdo (all done). He hasn't been quite as chatty as Chase was a baby but this past month he has really become quite vocal. It's adorable to hear him 'talk' and you can tell he is really trying to tell us things in his own little way.

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, play food and play kitchen, the splash pad, paci, little people zoo and animals.

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