

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Prendergast's Take England: Week 1 Devon

We had been debating over the past year whether we should go to England this year or in 2016 and due to circumstances with family members we decided to pull the trigger and head over there this year. No matter how old you are, it always feels good to go home and although we have only been back in the States for a week it feels like a lifetime. We had such an incredible time seeing different parts of England, showing the boys where I'm from and most importantly spending time with those we love the most.

The boys and I spent two weeks in England and unfortunately James had to head home after the first week due to work. We spent the first week down in Devon with Grandma and Granddad Banfield, and slipped in a couple of days in London. The second week, the boys and I headed up home to Swad.

This was the boys first time flying, obviously Asher had no clue to any of it but Chase was beyond excited to get on the plane and head up to the clouds. I wish I could say our travel there went smoothly but it was anything but that. Our original flight was cancelled but we were put on a flight that same day just in the morning, fine no problem. Except it wasn't, it make a long story short our flight was delayed a total of 12 hours and then when we landed at Heathrow the boys and my luggage was missing. I have to say the boys did amazing. Poor Chase missed take off as he had been up so early that morning that he just couldn't hang and fell asleep while sitting on the plane waiting to leave. Asher fell asleep about an hour into the flight and stayed that way until the last hour. Thankfully Chase was awake for landing and thought it was the coolest thing ever, so much so that as soon as we touched down he yelled, "lets do that again!"

My Mum had rented us a cottage about 10 mins from Grandma and Granddads house for us all in Exmouth, Devon. The weather was excellent while we were there and we got to get out and see all Exmouth has to offer. We spent an afternoon on the beach playing in the rock pools. We had an awesome day at Country Life Park. We took a train tour of Exmouth, which of course Chase was all for. We visited a couple of seaside towns (Dorlish and Teignmouth). Took a trip to the zoo. Lastly we ate a ton of yummy food as it would be a crime to go all that way and not over indulge on chippy, carveries and English sweets.

One story that I have to share (sorry Paul) involves Chase and cows. The place we stayed was a 2 bedroom so James and I had Asher with us and Mum and Paul has Chase in with them. Each morning, when asked how he slept Chase would respond with, "there were cows in my room". We couldn't figure out what he was talking about, there wasn't any cow art work in the room or on his Thomas bedding. We were perplexed and figured he kept having dreams about cows! While discussing this one day somebody suggested maybe it's Granddad (Paul) snoring. We made the sound and asked Chase if that was the noise he was hearing. To which he replied, "yes, that's the cow!" We all lost it for a good 15 minutes. We all knew Paul was a loud snorer but that's a whole new level.

We made so many precious memories the week we spent in Devon. I was so happy that the boys got to meet their great-grandparents and vice versa. It was lovely for us to spend time with my grandparents and finally visit where they have been living for quite some time. Of course having James to ourselves for a full week (meaning, no work) takes the cake!

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