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Friday, August 28, 2015

Asher James: Eleven Months

I am seriously about to start shedding a few tears that we only have one more month left until our Asher turns 1 year old! Time has flown by but at the same time seems like forever ago since he was a little newborn that could barely hold his head up. He is now into EVERYTHING and is our daredevil for sure. He is a huge love bug though and we eat that up.

Stats: We don't have an official weigh in/doctors appointment until he turns 1 but I'm guessing he is just over 26lbs and around 31 inches long. He is wearing all 18 month clothing at this point and by fall will be in 24 months.

Sleep: Things seem to be getting better with his sleep (minus when we were in England but we slept in 3 different places and were on a different time zone so I'll cut him some slack ). I do still rock him to sleep but he has been sleeping through the night until 7/8am ish and then has his morning bottle. It has been glorious not getting any middle of the night wake up calls.

Social: I think the separation anxiety has come to an end..woohoo! We met so many new people while we were in England and after about 5 mins of being around them he acted like they had been friends forever. His and Chase's relationship is adorable to watch. Asher wants to do everything that Chase does, hence our little daredevil. Chase has really been acting like the big brother lately, watching out for Asher and giving him hugs and kisses willingly, it makes my heart melt.

Diet: I have no idea what is going on with Asher and eating. One day he eats everything in sight and the next he takes a taste of something he has always loved and spits it out with a look of disgust on his face.
Skills/Milestones: Sooo many changes have happened this week, I can't keep track. He is no pulling up on everything and anything. His favorite thing to pull up on is the train table, and it is the sweetest thing ever to watch Chase and him play together. Cruising the furniture is something he has mastered. He has managed to climb a few steps but it's not his major goal. Finally, he has decided it is time to roll, in both directions! Most babies do this waaaay earlier on but apparently Asher has his own schedule. He is saying, "what's this" & "what's that" while pointing to things. It blows our mind that he is saying that already. While in England he cut 2 tooth (giving him a total of 4), one of which was on the flight back home).

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, play food, train table, paci, books, water table.

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