

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

First Day: Preschool

It was a big day in the Prendergast household as we entered the world of school newsletters, backpacks and snack duties, as Chase started preschool.

I was really nervous as to how Chase would do going to preschool, him being ok without either myself or Daddy there, or Asher for that fact. We had been prepping him for a while as to what was going to happen. Every time we drove past his preschool we told him all about it and what we would be doing there. As we walked down the hallway to his classroom I was awaiting the tears and the clinging while telling us not to leave. I am so proud to say that our boy did not do any of those things. He hung up his backpack in his cubby, washed his hands and said "ok I'm going to go and play with the trains now." Both James and I said bye to him and he didn't even notice us leave. I was so happy that it went so smoothly, that he felt comfortable enough there and that he knows we will be back to pick him up shortly.

I love my children, I really do but threenager is no joke (and Chase technically isn't 3 yet), and so I'm not going to lie that getting a bit of relief from the tantrums and attitude is really nice. I also love that I get to give Asher a little one on one time. I will be getting to take him to the baby storytime at the library also. That said I was beyond eager to go and pick him up and to hear how his day went. He was beaming when I walked into the classroom and proceeded to tell me snipits of his morning throughout the rest of our day. Some of the highlights:
- was holding his cup of water, moved it to his lap and then spilt it
- played with a boy named Finn
- he and Finn played with a dog on the road (playmat road not a real one) and it was sooo funny
- played on the dinosaur outside on the playground
- read a book about a school bus

I love getting to have conversation with Chase. His speech has always been his strength and it's amazing the things he comes out with and how much detail he puts into his sentences. I am so excited for Chase. He is a smart little boy and I think he is going to do great at preschool. He is a kind boy and I know he will make a lot of friends. Yay for preschool being a hit.

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