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Monday, September 28, 2015

Chase Patrick: Three Years

Our big boy turned 3 this month and I'm not going to lie this mama was a little emotional (I hid it well). He is just growing so fast and with that he is wanting more and more independence which makes me so sad but I am so proud of the little boy he is turning into.

Stats: He is our petite boy, must be my Mum's side of the family creeping in :) His weight is 27lbs 8oz (5th percentile) and 36 inches tall (20th percentile). I find it amazing he is so light as he never . stops . eating !

Sleep: Chase loves his sleep and I love him for loving his sleep. He sleeps a solid 12 hours at night (sometimes more) and on preschool days takes a 2 hour nap. For a while he was giving us a hard time about going to bed but thankfully that has calmed down.

 Social: The big change in this area is that he has started preschool. He goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings and he is doing really well there. I was a little worried about how he would do being away from me and while he does shed some tears when I leave, the teacher says he stops immediately. When I go to pick him up he tells me all about his morning and the things he has done and what he had for snack that day so I know he does have a good time there and makes me feel great about sending him. I guess with the "freedom" preschool has given him he has started asking that I leave him places, like his friends houses and Grandma and Granddad's house (don't worry not some random public place). Nothing like making Mummy feel not wanted anymore! Just kidding he still asks myself and Daddy that we are going places with him all the time.

 Diet: I have no clue where the food goes that Chase eats, as he weighs next to nothing but will eat and eat all day long. He still will eat everything and anything, thank you easy child! He will still eat his veggies first and we have to bribe him to eat his mac n cheese, bread etc with more veggies (strange child).

Skills/Milestones: We have been diligently working on potty training since spring. He was completely trained, doing both businesses in the potty and wearing underwear out and about. Then it all came to a screeching halt and he regressed...completely. I think a lot of it is to due with Asher and the fact that I still change his diaper. Since the end of the summer we can refocused on this area and he has been doing really well. He will stay dry all day and night long but will not poop in the potty for anything. I've tried stickers, candy and toys on top of the fridge as prizes but nothing seems to work. So we will continue the battle.
Just the other day Chase impressed me with counting to 10. I had no idea he knew all the numbers let alone counting...thank you preschool! He also knows his alphabet. He has really gotten into puzzles and does so well with them. He will sit and do them over and over which makes for a great quiet time activity and gives me a chance to get a few things done around the house.

Favorites: Thomas and Friends, Paw Patrol, Disney Cars, Henry Hugglemonster, playing with Cisco, playing outside, play-doh, digging in the sand, playing with Asher, lollipops, Moes, Chick Fil A, Kinder Eggs, books.

I love this little boy so much! He is certainly trying at times but overall he is such a kind, thoughtful and smart little man. He always makes sure others are ok and he loves his brother to no end. He does such a good job of teaching Asher how to do things and is so proud when Asher does something for the first time. He enjoys helping me cook and Daddy wash his car. He cracks us up daily with the funny things he says. Basically I can't imagine life without him and we are so blessed to call him our son.

 I am so proud of this little boy we call our son. He amazes me every day, the way he views the world with such excitement. I'm so lucky that I get to spend every day with him.

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