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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Prendergast's Take England: Week 1 London

When we decided to go to England, the one request James had was to go to London and so to London we went. We weren't able to spend too much time there this trip, but we absolutely want to do some more exploring there when we head over next time.

Even though I grew up in England I had only gone to London a couple of times and I was young so I don't remember too much, so I was just as excited as James to go and explore the city. We decided to take a bus tour of the entire city and you could get on and off at different attractions and spots. It really is a great way to see what London has to offer and what you would really like to see while there.

The tour was excellent. We didn't get off at too many stops with having the boys and strollers and diaper bags but we really enjoyed it. We did get off at Buckingham Palace, because you can't go to London and not go and see the Queen. She was in residence but we didn't get to say hi to The other stop we hopped off of the bus for was the London Eye. There was a ton of attractions along the South Bank (aquarium, the dungeons, river cruises) that we certainly want to do in the future. We purchases tickets for the London Eye and even though the boys were extremely cranky (aka needing naps) the entire ride, seeing the London skyline was awesome. It was something else to see the old architecture mixed with the modern.

We decided to stay mid-way between the center city of London and Heathrow (James flew out the following day) so we took the underground into the city and back to the hotel. Of course this was the highlight of the day for Chase, along with riding an open top double decker bus. Transportation is his thing at the moment.

It just so happened to be James and I 5th wedding anniversary while in London. Never did I think we could get to celebrate an anniversary in my homeland. Hands down best anniversary yet; we got to spend the day with our two favorite little guys, family and fell in love with London.

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