

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Down on Prendergast Farm

I do love throwing a good party, even more so when it's to celebrate my two little boys! James teases me all the time that they wont remember them, and they might not, but the day of, they have the best time and that alone makes it all worth it!

Every party needs a theme and after spending a lot of time visiting our local farms this year I thought a farm theme would be fun for both of the boys. I had all these grand ideas for décor, which I would normally follow through on, but this pregnancy has me feeling a little less motivated and decided to skip most of it and just enjoy a yard full of our family members and closest friends. You know what I don't regret that decision as I believe everyone left having a great time. Most importantly my boys went to bed completely exhausted from running around with their friends, ate more sugar than they are used to and told me it was the best day!!!

It blows my mind that another year has come and gone since their hugglemonster party last year. I mean we currently have zero babies in the house, which if we weren't expecting would make me crumble into a pile of tears. Yet, I have a feeling 4 and 2 is going to pretty darn great!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

BabyP3: The Big Reveal

How far along: 20 weeks
Gender: a GIRL!!!
Baby's heartbeat: nice and strong at 155
Weight gain: 7lbs, still don't have much of an appetite
Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts all the way but still a mix of maternity and non maternity tops
Stretch marks: No new ones yet but it's early days
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I'll have a good nights sleep followed by a few nights of insomnia
Best moment this week: seeing our little girl at the ultrasound
Miss anything: enjoying food
Movement: yup little girl is very active
Cravings: grapes
Queasy or sick: nausea has slacked off thank goodness
Looking forward to: buying all the pink and frilly things

The long wait is over and finally know what BabyP3 is....we get to round out our family with a little GIRL!!! I had a gut feeling it was a girl the whole pregnancy but after having two boys I still had my doubts and wouldn't have been surprised if it was another boy. We are all beyond excited to experience all things girl and can't wait to meet our daughter Hayley Ann Mae.
We had our 20 week ultrasound on the Friday and we bought the boys with us. The were both so excited to be seeing their baby move around and Chase could pick out the eyes and nose, hands and feet. He loved seeing the baby kick around and about fell out of his chair when the baby waved at him. I about fell off the bed with watching our oldest clearly show his love for his sibling that he hasn't even met yet. Seeing both of our boys waving at the screen gave me all the feels. Both of the boys came out with some classic questions; Chase asked the tech "where is the baby's penis?' followed by Asher asking, "if the baby has nipples." oh these boys of mine - always the entertainment wherever we go!
We didn't find out the gender at the ultrasound this time. With it being our last baby we thought it would be fun to find out with our parents. I'm so glad we decided to do it this way as it made it all the more exciting. We got together for lunch and set off party poppers to find out if it was a he or she. Most people had guessed it would be another boy so there was a lot of yelling and cheering when out popped pink streamers!!! Not going to lie I welled up finding out the news. I love my boys something fierce but have always wanted to experience having a daughter - but wasn't sure if it was going to become a reality.
Having difficulty getting pregnant was a surprise to us but I do believe God has his own timing and I've always trusted that. Him giving us this little girl is such a blessing on top of getting pregnant and I couldn't thank Him more. So far we have had a smooth pregnancy and pray it continues to stay that way.
We have a very busy fall and January will be here before we know and we finally get to hold our little girl! Until then you will find me decorating her nursery and buying all the hairbows on earth.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Fenwick Vacation

Our original vacation this summer was supposed to be to OBX but with the scare of Zika and being pregnant we decided to stay further north. After some searching and changing dates we settled on the Bayside Community on Fenwick Island. It met all of our needs and then some!!! Our vacation plans also included going with our good friends the Hulmes family. Our kids get along so well that we had high hopes of them playing together and us parents getting to relax and thank you kids as it went exactly how we envisioned it.

The community was perfect for families; multiple pools and splash pad for the kids and just as many poolside bars for the adults. It was a win-win for everyone. We spent a few days hanging out by the pool for the day and the kids couldn't have been happier. They are all fish and we had to drag them from the pool each and every time.

Of course we spent time at the beach. We tried out Fenwick State Beach and while it was a nice quiet beach the surf was too rough for our little ones. We went back to our faithful Lewes Beach and the kids had a blast running in and out of the water and swimming the day away. They also all enjoyed getting to see the ferry come in and out of port.

Mom Mom and Pop Berry had given the boys money to spend on the rides and ice cream at the boardwalk. The boys opted for cotton candy instead but we did hit up the rides and they had so much fun!!

We tried a little fishing off of the pier in the community. Chase got a fishing pole back at Christmas and this was his first time getting to use it. Even though he didn't catch anything he thoroughly enjoyed fishing and can't wait to again...which makes James oh so happy.

I think all of our favorite part of the vacation was being out on the water. One day we did a pirate ship cruise and our last day we rented a boat and explored the bay area and Assateague Island. So much fun! All of the kids took a turn driving the boat and loved docking up to the island and exploring. Though none of them were thrilled when a jellyfish and horseshoe crabs came swimming up next to them. I don't think I've ever seen 5 water loving children exit a body of water so fast in my life.

We have had such a wonderful summer and ending it with this vacation couldn't have been more perfect. We all came back tanned, relaxed and ready for another school to begin.