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Friday, June 23, 2017

Hayley Ann Mae: Five Months

With each day Hayley is becoming more interactive and her little personality shines. Five months has bought lots of new changes including; trying to sit on her own, and introducing solid foods. She is still the happiest baby I've ever known, only to cry if she is tired or hungry.
She got to meet and spend lots of time with Granny, she is a fan for sure! Asher and Chase are still her #1 guys, next to Daddy of course, and Cisco has become very interesting to her.
This month she tried out the pool and splash pad for the first time. She loves her bath so I assumed she would enjoy taking a dip and she did. She took some great naps afterwards also.
She is just pure sweetness that we squeeze all day long!


Stats: No official checkup this month but her legs are getting chunkier by the day and her 3 to 6 month clothing is fitting just perfectly.

Sleep: I need to thank the Lord for not only giving us a healthy baby but one likes to sleep also. I don't know how I would function with 3 kids if she wasn't a good sleeper. On a normal day she is doing 3 naps and going to bed around 8pm and waking around 7:30am. She has started taking naps in her bassinet and puts herself to sleep for naps and bedtime. Though sometimes I do still snuggle and rock her for bedtime, just because I can.

Social: This girl is going to be the life of the party. She likes to know and see all what is going on around her and not miss her thing. She is quite nosey in fact. Feeding her has become a tad difficult sometimes because of this.

Diet: Still drinking 6oz every 3 to 4 hours. The big story this month is we added solid food to her diet. I normally wait until 5 months but her spitting up is still pretty bad, even though she is on zantac so I wanted to give her some weight in her stomach to see if it helped and it has. So far she has tried; avocado, green beans, banana, oatmeal and sweet potatoes.

Skills/Milestones: Sitting while supporting herself has been added to the list of achievements this month. She love love loves this new found ability and wants no part in lying down. She is thoroughly enjoying her exersaucer. Hayley will now grab your cheeks and lean in with her mouth open, I swear she is giving kisses.
Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, Asher, Cisco looooves music and being sung to, enjoys bath time, her exersaucer, playing in water.

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