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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

First Day of School 2017-2018

So we are now just over a full month into school now and both the boys are really enjoying it. Sure, we have some mornings where they don't want to get up, but once they are at school and see their friends, they leave me in the dust.

This is Chase's third year at his preschool. He is repeating Pre-K (as he missed the cutoff for Kindergarten by a couple of weeks), in addition he is also in the Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten enrichment class. I was curious to see how he would handle being in school 5 mornings a week, and I can safely say it hasn't. He hasn't said it's too much, or been extra tired. That makes me happy and proves to me that we made the right decision to send him those 5 days.
He was so excited on his first day to see all of his buddies and he loves his teachers Miss Donna & Miss Talitha. It is crazy what a difference a year makes, this year on his first day, he ran into the class, hung up his backpack and got to playing, not an ounce of hesitation in him. It just makes me so proud to see him mature the way he has.

Asher was sooo excited to have Chase's school, finally, be his school too!! His first day was very different from Chase's first first day of preschool. Obviously for the past 2 years Asher has been with me to drop off and pick up Chase and so he has come to know Miss Donna, Miss Talitha and the classroom. It also helped that he knew Chase would be at school while he was, and his friend Noah is in his class. All of that made for an extremely pleasant first day drop off. He loves having a backpack and wears it even when he isn't going to school lol.
While he enjoys class, the first few weeks he would tell his teachers, "I do my artwork at home, not in school." While it's hilarious he came out with that, we had a few words and he is now participating in that area;)

It's crazy to think I have 2 out of my 3 kids in preschool! Even though I thoroughly enjoy dropping them both off and having some one of one time with Hayley twice a week, I am just as eager to get back to school and hear about how their days went. What they had for snack is always a big discussion on the way home, as well as who they played with and what story they read. I just love these 2 boys to pieces and all the ways in that they are growing up.

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