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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Hayley Ann Mae: Ten Months

Here we are at ten months, getting closer and closer to 12 months, a whole year! It's hard to believe how fast this year with Hayley has flown by. Our girl is starting to develop such a personality and I can't get enough of it. She is so happy, and loves to dance, and attack her brothers. She lets out the loudest roar when wrestling with Chase and Asher, she is quite the fierce little girl. She has become a mama's girl and my heart can hardly take it. Going in to get her in the morning when she wakes is one of the highlights of my day; to be greated with the biggest smile, I can only hope that never changes lol.

Stats: there is no check for 10 months but I'd say she's around 21lbs.

Sleep: And just like that we are back to waking up every night for a couple of hours. It seems that when she is cutting teeth, this is what happens.

Social: This girl loves to be in the middle of all the action. If there is another baby or young child around she gravitates towards them. She loves to play with Amelia and Laurel. I've been wanting to get her to storytime at the library but it just hasn't happened yet.

Diet: If there is food in sight, Hayley will eat it. There is nothing she wont eat. As soon as her tray is empty she shrieks for more.

Skills/Milestones: Still not walking, but she is starting to stand unassisted. Clapping hands and waving hi.  

Favorites: Mummy, Daddy, Chase, Asher, Cisco looooves music and being sung to, enjoys bath time, giving kisses, emptying Cisco's food and water bowl, playing in the refrigerator.

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