

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Let's Paw-ty

Lady Hayley your most favorite thing in the world at this age, is without a doubt puppies! You cannot get enough of them. We read Biscuit books on repeat, you ask every . single . day to go to the pet store to see the dogs. You're exact words are "go dog! go dogs!!" You follow Cisco everywhere and have deemed it your job to make sure he always has food and are on door duty when he goes outside. It is so sweet, sometimes you miss him so much while he is running around in the yard that you go to the door, open it and yell his name over and over demanding that he comes back inside. When he doesn't obey you sometimes loose your ish. It is quite possibly the cutest thing ever!!

Naturally I decided your second birthday party should be all about dogs. I had so much planning this for you, and I have to say your brothers had equally as much fun setting up for the big day. We made a huge balloon arch and had balloons shaped like dogs (which you all played with for weeks after). Grandma Redfern sent over the cutest puppy dress from England and you looked adorable in it. Your favorite food is breakfast food so I thought why not serve everyone brunch. We had scrambled eggs, bacon, bagels and cream cheese, gogurts, fruits, muffins and donuts. It was quite a delicious spread. Of course we had a beautiful cake and cake pops!!

All our family, our closest friends and your best friends came to celebrate you. You really do have a tremendous amount of people that love you so much!! Staying with the puppy theme I planned a few fun things for you and your friends to do. We had a puppy adoption center where you each got to pick a stuffed puppy and then decorate its doghouse. Everybody loved that! We also played pass the parcel and we had a dog pinata. We ended the party with your birthday cake of course and you did so well blowing out your candle!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Christmas Celebration 2018

This years Christmas was my favorite yet. It was laid back, all 3 of you kids got into the excitement, and we were surrounded by a lot of family.

Christmas Eve we went to service at church and it is my absolute most favorite service of the year. I love all the Christmas carols, hearing the story of the birth of Jesus and the candlelit ending is just beautiful. We didn't make it last Christmas as we were all sick so I was really pleased we made it this year. After service we went to dinner at DaVincis, our usual Christmas Eve spot. Grandma and Grandad Smith, Naomi and her roommate joined us.
Once we were home we changed you all into your Christmas pjs; the cookies and milk were laid out for Santa and carrots for Rudolph. The excitement from the 3 of you was so infectious. It is one of my favorite nights of the entire year. I love tucking you into bed, knowing that when you wake you will be wanting to rush downstairs eager to see if Santa came.

Of course Santa came!!! And he spoiled you guys silly this year! As did Daddy and I, and all of your grandparents and other family members. You kids are so unbelievably blessed!! Seeing your little faces in disbelief at all the gifts is priceless. I have to say I was amazed at the sight myself. We spent the entire morning opening gifts, examining them, putting gifts together. So much fun and I will say Christmas Day as a parent is a million times better than a child.
Mom Mom had her friend Barb join us for the day, and Grandma and Grandad Smith, plus Naomi and her roommate came over. I love having all of us together, even more so on a day such as this. We laughed, we played, we stuffed ourselves with Christmas dinner, we popped open Christmas crackers and exchanged jokes and wore our paper hats. It was just a wonderful wonderful day. I know that when we tucked you 3 in for the night you were all worn out from the excitement that Christmas Day brings.