

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Washington Birthday Trip

With my birthday being between Christmas and New Years its so tricky to go do anything but Daddy came up with a great idea this year. A little getaway to D.C. to visit the Natural History Museum. We are ALWAYS up for an adventure. You guys love sleeping in hotels and exploring.

We got up early, loaded up the car because it's always a million things to bring with us, even for a one night stay and hit the road. Once we arrived in D.C. we headed right for the museum.
In 4 hours we covered every square inch of that building. We all loved seeing the mummies, with the exception of Hayley. Hayley, you thought they were Mummy's and realized they are dead and then thought I was going to be dead because I'm a Mummy. You were in quite the panic and we had to tell you the mummies weren't real.

Some other favorites were the sea turtle skeleton, the butterfly pavilion and the ocean area. You were all troopers, it was a long day with a lot of walking. We checked into our hotel after the museum, before heading to dinner. We were all ravenous and stuffed our faces at a local brewpub. Once back in the hotel room, after Hayley had a meltdown about the sleeping in the pack n play (I think those days are over), we all crashed.

Before heading home to celebrate New Year Eve we stopped in Georgetown for a very late breakfast/early dinner. I think you all fell asleep in the car on the way home which was great as with it being NYE you all needed some extra rest.

It was a great birthday celebration and adventuring with you kids is by favorite thing to do!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Christmas Magic

Christmas Eve + Christmas day were jam packed with family, lots of yummy food, gifts and Christmas magic!

Christmas Eve we set out our neighborhood luminaries, went to Christmas Ever service and went out to dinner with Grandma + Grandad Smith, Naomi and Mom-Mom. This has been our tradition for quite some time now. Once we got home you guys hoped into your pjs (Christmas ones of course), sprinkled reindeer food and left out cookies for Santa & Rudolph.

Then it was lights out in anticipation that Santa dropped off a delivery during the night..

Thankfully, Christmas morning you still slept in a little and much to your dismay boys, we wouldn't wake up your sister the second you were up. Seeing your faces on Christmas morning is what I get most excited about. It is priceless and worth all of the Christmas craziness.
And Santa came through with all you asked for!
After present opening we had our Wawa breakfast followed by lots of toy building and playing. Later in the day, Grandma & Grandad Smith and Naomi came over for Christmas dinner. It was a feast with turkey, roast beef, potatoes, lots of veggies, rolls and yorkshire pudding. You kids never eat a holiday meal but it's the one day I let it slide. By the evening time you guys are exhausted and overwhelmed. There is so much build up all month long and the day is over before we so much as blink!