

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Homeschooling Beginnings

It's funny as Daddy and I have often discussed the benefits of homeschooling you, and have seriously looked into it. However we moved to an amazing school district and so we went that path. However all of that changed when the Coronavirus or Covid19 started hitting our area. On March 12th 2020, all of Montgomery County schools were closed indefinately due to the virus. And so began our homeschooling journey. The first couple of weeks was left up to our own decision as the school hadn't given any work. They had zero notice that this was going to happen.

Thankfully you have one creative, and well prepped Mummy. We did a lot of fun arts and crafts those first two weeks (before the school district assigned work). We made mosaic rainbows, did science experiments, played outside a lot, we all pitched in and cleaned up the yard, and made popcorn trees to mark the beginning of Spring. So far we are all thoroughly enjoying this extra time together!

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