

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, October 4, 2012

2 Weeks Old

So yesterday Chase was 2 weeks old, one one hand I feel like we just got home from the hospital, how can he be 2 weeks already? On the other hand I feel like he has been with us forever. He is such a blessing to our life already.
James went back to work on Monday and races home each day to get a hold of his son. His keys barely hit the table and Chase is in his arms. It's adorable to see. We miss James being home with us during the day so we are equally as excited to see his car pull up.
Chase had his 2 week check up yesterday and he is one healthy baby, which is always great to hear. He now weighs 7lbs 12oz! He also lost the stump to his umbilical cord yesterday. He has started staying awake for a couple of hour in the morning and again in the evening. We really don't have any kind of schedule as of yet so that is my goal for the 2 of us over the next 2 weeks. Besides yesterday's gas pains he is a very happy and content baby, especially when he is getting snuggles form any of us in the house.

Here are a few pics of the lil man

 Such concentration

2 weeks old

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