

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Thursday, September 27, 2012

One Week Down

It's hard to believe Chase has been with us for a week already, between being in the hospital for 4 days, celebrating James birthday and doctors appointments the week has flown by! He has changed so much already since the day it was born. I told him during one of his 3am feedings that he better not grow up to fast. His face changes daily and he is keeping his eyes open more and more with each day that passes. Nothing beats when he is looking up at you. Today was Chase's first doctors appointment and the doctor was very pleased with how he is doing. When we left the hospital his weight was 7lbs 2oz and he is now up to 7lbs 4oz.
Overall things have been going very well. He is a very calm baby, except for when he wants to be fed. Boy does he let us know he is hungry! He has his fathers appetite that's for sure :) He is tending to eat every 3 hours during the day and every 2 during the night. I have been getting up with him during the night and James has been getting up with him the early morning so I can get a few hours sleep back to back. Our one goal before James goes back to work is to get him to sleep in his bassinet. He just isn't liking sleeping there. I did manage to get him to nap in there for 2 hours this afternoon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed he will do better tonight.
James has taken to being a Dad so well. He was the first to change Chase's diaper and is very hands on with the feeding and makes sure they have Daddy/Son time everyday. James was also the first to get pee'd on :) He is a natural, just like I thought he would be.
I am feeling good considering I'm recovering from surgery, as well as being a FTM, and all that comes with that role. I am down to taking pain meds only twice a day and I am getting around a hundred times better than even a day ago. I can't wait until I'm feeling well enough to stat walking a few miles a day.
Being a Mum is everything I thought it would be and more. I'm trying to embrace and remember every little moment as  I know it's all going to go by with a blur.
I promise I'll post some pics of the lil man tomorrow!

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