

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Unexpected News ... 37 Week Checkup

Well this check up has most certainly been the interesting appointment so far that's for sure! I had my blood pressure taken as per usual and for the first time it was high...130/80, but nothing they are worried about. Dr did my internal and said I hadn't dilated at all and basically no changes from last week and Chase was still head down. Next he listened to the heartbeat, which was a nice strong 141bpm and was kicking the doppler which Dr found hilarious. I mentioned something about his butt being under my ribs so Dr pushed around on my stomach and said 'he will be right back'. He came back with the ultrasound machine and what do you know his 'butt' is his head!!!!!
All of us were completely shocked, and I've been feeling this bump for weeks so I think he was think he was this way all along. We went over the options, which other than c-section  and him turning by himself, the only other option was for them to try turning him externally. After hearing the risks of that option James and I immediately decided that wasn't the route for us. We have been so fortunate that Chase has been healthy this entire pregnancy and we aren't about to jepardize that. And that brings us back to a planned c section.
Only in the past few hours have I felt better about having a c section. I was really upset about it last night, to the point where I was up all night. It hadn't even entered my head about having to have a c section and with the longer recovery and not being able to hold my baby immediately I wasn't too thrilled. As the day has gone on though I've become more excited knowing I'll be meeting him in 2 weeks and that he will arrive safely.
Both James and I can't wait for September 27th to get here, to finally meet our little man and see what he looks  like. I feel like a kid at waiting for Christmas to get here, multiplied by 1,000,000.
Throughout this whole journey we have appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers and would like to ask for them to continue for a safe delivery for Chase, a  speedy recovery for myself and for James to have the energy to take care of us :)

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