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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The End Is In Sight....36 Weeks

Hi All, we are now onto weekly appointments!!!!!!!! I was anxious to hear what they would say at this appointment after last weeks trip to L&D. According to my doctor, we have one "very impatient baby on our hands". She said he is head down and extremely low. I am not dialated but about 75% effaced. She said he could stay this way for the next 4 weeks, but she thinks that is highly unlikely and won't make it to my due date. His heart rate was 144BPM, still my strong lil man. With the excitement of him being so low I totally forgot to ask how much she thinks he weighs at this point.

Overall I've bee feeling pretty good.The nurse today told me my blood pressure hasn't changed the entire pregnancy which is really good to know. I have been having frequent contractions but not in regular pattern. Today's contractions have been significantly stronger and more noticeable.

Here is me at 36 weeks

I'm very glad to say the nursery is ready and we have everything we need for Chase. I am so pleased with the way the room turned out and I had some help getting it done. David painted the room for us and then Leona helped me finish it off by putting up the decals and picking out curtains when she was in town for the shower.

After today's appointment I  made sure the hospital bag is ready to go....we will keep you all updated!

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