

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, August 20, 2012

Shower Weekend & 34 Week Update

Just a little update on our guy Chase from our 34 week appointment. He is doing really well and his heartbeat was as strong as ever, which I always so grateful for. It was varying between 131 bpm and 140 bpm depending on if he was lying still or moving around. Our doctor is 99% sure that his head is down, which I think I have dropped over the past week and and I've felt a lot more pressure down that way. She did say she thinks he will be closer to 8lbs instead of being in the low 7's.

Overall I've been feeling great. Unfortunately the nausea, morning sickness and food aversions have returned, so much so I've had to take the zofran a couple of  times in the past week. Thank goodness there is only 6 more weeks to go.

This past weekend was very busy as it was our baby shower. We are are thankful to those that helped plan such a wonderful afternoon (Leona, Jen, Anna & Mom). The food was delicious (meatballs, cold cuts, dips, fruit and lots of cake), we played a few games and opened gifts. James and I are beyond grateful for all of the gifts for Chase, and for those who took the time out of their weekend to spend time with us. After going through all of the things we received, Chase will not be in need for anything so thank you all so much. I can't wait for him to meet all of you!

With running around so much this weekend I did have some braxton hicks contractions so the time is getting near :)

Here are some photos of the shower and me at 34 weeks.

The fruit baby and carriage Leona  made

34 weeks along

The blanket my Mum made

Guests playing games

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