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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The big 30

We are at week 30 folks, I feel like the countdown is certainly on now, only 10 weeks left. I am just amazed at how the weeks are flying by.

Our appointment today went very smooth, which thankfully they all have been so far. Getting to listen to his heartbeat never gets old. Today it was at 141bpm, so a little faster than it has been, might have had something to do with the mint chocolate chip klondike bar I ate before the appointment :) Our doctor said I'm measuring right at 30 weeks which makes me very happy knowing we don't have a huge baby in there. I'm up 2lbs since our last appointment so that puts me at a total of gaining 21 pounds so far.

I have been feeling great and really don't have any complaints other than some insomnia every now and then. Last night I was lying awake and could feel the little guy having hiccups, its blows my mind that I can feel that.

30 weeks

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