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So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Eight Months Sees a Lot of Changes

I feel this has been the biggest month of changes for Chase so far. Everyday it seems he is learning something new, from spinning on his belly to get to toys, to putting his play saucepan on his head (which I showed him a week prior) to doing really well with finger foods. I am so proud of him for learning these new things but I can't help but think, where is my little baby going?

I love that he is becoming more interactive with us, he gives hugs and kisses and goes crazy when Cisco gets near him. Poor Cisco better watch his back and Chase is constantly trying to pet his big brother. His new thing is doing a fake cough, which gets Daddy in a panic as Chase likes to do this doing food time. Of course Chase burts into fits of laughter afterwards. He is going to keep us on our toes I can feel it.

This was my first Mother's Day, well with Chase being outside the womb at least, and for me it isn't about the gifts but spending time with Chase and doing what I love, which is being a Mum to him. James, Chase and I went to a little local zoo and we had a lot of fun. We ened the day by going out to dinner, anyone that lives in the area, check out Winberries in Devon, it was great food.

With the nicer weather we have been spending more time outside at the park and reading books on the blanket under the tree.

I'll leave you with Chase's eight month stats

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