

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Summer Time!

The pools are open and lifeguards are on duty, it is officially the beginning of summer season! We decided to take advantage of James having a long weekend by heading to the beach. We all know I'm a beach bum at heart, so I was already pumped to be heading there, then combine that with taking Chase for the first time...I was in excitement overload :)

We decided to stay just outside of Ocean City NJ as we figured it's a nice family beach, plus our good friends and their daughter live in that area also. We arrived Sunday evening and headed right to the Ocean City boardwalk. We walked from end to end, grabbed dinner, spotted many Pauly D wannabes and had a blast listening to Chase babble the whole time.

Monday was a beautiful day, we couldn't have asked for better weather, 70 and clear blue skies. After a lazy morning at the hotel we headed to Sea Isle beach. I have never been there before and it is easily my favorite NJ beach. We bought Chase, aka James, a bucket, shovel and sand toy set before heading onto the beach. From the second Chase was taken out of the stroller he fell in love with the beach, a kid after my own heart. He laughed at the waves breaking, loved eating the sand and rubbing it in every crevasse on himself he could find. I thought tops he would last 20 mins, we were on the beach for an hour and a half and he was not at all happy when he was put back in his stroller to take a break from being in the sun. After enjoying a nice lunch on the boardwalk we headed to see the Smith family and take Maddie her birthday present. We had so much fun hanging with them on their little beach front and it was so cute watching Chase and Maddie interact. Maddie loved handing Chase toys and Chase thanked her by grabbing her butt lol. Both kids were fast asleep by 8pm which left us adults enjoying a few drinks and catching up. The day sure wore Chase out as he slept until 9:15am! I was one happy Mamma about that as we are usually up at 6:30am.

Here a few pics of our first trip to the beach as a family of 3

Dinner on the boardwalk

Relaxing and taking it all in

Loving playing in the sand with Daddy

Watching the waves

Playing with Maddie

Buddies for life

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