

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Monday, September 16, 2013

Birthday week kickoff!!!

I absolutely love to celebrate birthdays and so in our house we do the 'birthday week'! A week full of fun activities and spoiling the one whose birthday it is. This week is quite possibly the biggest birthday week yet as Chase turns one!!! It is hard to believe it is here already, it just seems like it was a few months ago that he came home from the hospital.

We have a lot going on this week to celebrate our lil man and we began today by having his discharge meeting from early intervention/physical therapy. As I'm sure you all remember Chase was diagnosed with torticollis (tilting of the head and lack of rotation in one direction) back in November. He was scheduled to start physical therapy through AI Dupont in the new year but then with us moving to PA we had to find a new office. I found a wonderful therapy place called Theraplay, the only issue was the copay was extremely high. Our therapist recommended we apply for Early Intervention (physical therapy through the state). We were thrilled when Chase was approved for the services in February, it's a wonderful program. A physical therapist comes out to your house once a week to work with your child. We have been blessed with an amazing therapist named Becky. Chase took to her right away which is half the battle. Not only was she wonderful with Chase but she made sure I felt confident knowing all of the stretches and exercises so that Chase could benefit from me working with him also.

Fast forward 6 months and Chase no longer has any tilt issues and his rotation is great. Because of his neck issues we found he was having problems with rolling. Those are now gone and he rolls all over as well as crawling, pulling to stand and 'cruising' along the furniture. He isn't walking by himself yet but he will take steps holding our hands. Honestly I'm in no rush for him to walk by himself anyway.

We are just so proud of our little man and all he has achieved in this area. It wasn't a life threating or life long issue but as a parent you always want your child to have as few issues as possible. There were days when Chase hated the stretches and it broke my heart to hear him scream, but I knew it was for his own good. Even though we will miss seeing Miss Becky every week, we are thankful we have a completely healthy one year old!

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