

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Friday, September 20, 2013

One Year Old

Well here it is, the last monthly post about Chase! Let's see if I can write this without tearing up...

When I think back to one year ago today I find it hard to believe this amazing little boy had just been born. I can still remember how it felt to hear his cry for the first time, holding him in my arms and feeling so complete and getting to bring him home where his life was in our hands. Being parents has taught us unconditional love, and what is truly important in life. When the 3 of us are playing on the family room floor and Cisco is running around James and I look at each other and say 'this is what it's all about'.

Chase has just amazed us at how quickly he learns things and he is extremely headstrong. When getting discharge from PT we were told he is doing a lot of things that 18 month olds are doing. As you can imagine, we were your typical proud parents lol. I've been around a lot of babies and I've never met a happier one in my life. He always has a smile on his face and is constantly babbling away. Being home with him everyday is a joy that nothing else can even come close to bringing.

As he turns a year, part of me is sad to see the baby in him disappear entirely but, seeing him interact with us and learn at rapid speed is so much fun. James also reminds me, he is going to need us for quite some time still, and he is a mama's boy so I predict many more snuggles are in the future.

We had a busy day on his birthday. It started with his one year check up which went very smoothly, minus getting 3 shots :( It was a beautiful day so we took him to the playground where he had a blast crawling all over the equipment and watching the older kids. Our family from England landed on his birthday so it was off to the airport in the afternoon to pick them up. We were so excited for them to get here. They all had a smooth flight and are here with us now squeezing in every minute they can with Chase. We wondered if he would be a little shy around them but that hasn't happened. He cuddles with them, plays with them and is loving being around them.

Here is Chase's 12 month stats

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