

About Us

So many of our family members and friends do not live around us and we wanted a way to share our adventure through life together with all of you

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Night in Baltimore

We took a quick trip to Baltimore this past weekend, and Mom Mom and Pop Berry came with us also! James got us rooms at the Hyatt Regency right in the Inner Harbor and it was a beautiful hotel. We were a couple of blocks from the Orioles stadium and so we had dinner at Dempsey's. The food was delish! Chase was very happy to get back to the hotel and run around their second floor lobby like a mad man. We have been working on shapes recently and he kept pointing out the circles that were in the carpet, so cute! Even though he was exhausted from not taking a nap, he had a rough night and ended up in our bed. I think the pack n play days are over :(

The main reason we decided on Baltimore, was to go to the Aquarium. Chase loves watching fish and is obsessed with his stuffed and twilight turtle so I was super excited for him to get to see live ones. As soon as Chase saw the first fish he was up and out of the stroller and didn't stop running from tank to tank until we had been through the entire place. He has never walked that much in his life. To say he was having a great time was an understatement. His favorites were the turtles & dolphins, he was mesmerized.

We were at the aquarium for about 3 hours which was the perfect amount of time for the little man. Instead of paying for over priced chicken tenders we ate outside of the aquarium at Pot Bellys, what a delish sandwich they make! Chase decided he didn't want anything to do with his grilled cheese but wanted to take bites off of my sandwich like a big boy lol.

By the end of the day I'm not sure who was more tired, Chase or I ? We all crashed last night and Chase was so happy to see his own bed again. After taking a 3 hour nap and sleeping a solid 12 hours last night, he is still tired today!!

We had such a fun weekend and Chase loved spending time with his Mom Mom and Pop Berry.

8 weeks Baby P2

How far along: 8 weeks

Gender: not sure yet, I'm going with boy though.

Weight gain: 0

Maternity clothes: Not yet but I have a feeling I will be needing them earlier than with Chase. I feel like my belly popped today
Stretch marks: No new ones

Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: No issues with sleeping, I'd like more of it than I'm getting though. I do try to nap when Chase does

Best moment this week: Being able to eat a normal meal on Thursday
Miss anything: Having energy, I feel bad for Chase as we haven't left the house in a few days

Movement: Nothing as of yet, I felt Chase at 13 weeks so not too much longer

Cravings: I wouldn't call them cravings but bagels, ice pops and strawberries seem to settle my stomach

Queasy or sick: Yes! I pretty much have a shaky stomach 24/7 but the Zofran stops me from throwing up so it could be worse
Looking forward to: Our trip to the Baltimore Aquarium this weekend and getting to bed early tonight
(sorry there are is no pic but I totally spaced on the 8 week pic)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our Valentines

Valentines Day - this holiday is celebrated in the Prendergast household but in a simple fashion; a card and a nice home cooked dinner is usually how we celebrate.

This year we did without the cards and decided to celebrate the day with a trip to the doctors! Not just any doctor though, it was our appointment to confirm our pregnancy with Baby P #2. As soon as the doctor found Baby P2 on the ultrasound both James and I saw that magical little flicker of the heartbeat immediately. A huge sense of relief washed over me knowing that Baby P2 was doing just fine and growing accordingly. On Valentines Day we were 7 weeks and 1 day along, with a due date of October 3rd 2014, the EXACT same due date I had with Chase! However, we are opting for repeat csection ( I know what to expect and recovered really well with the first) the baby will arrive on September 26th, well if it doesn't decide to come early like their brother. Our doctor did say we should celebrate Chase's birthday a little earlier in the month, just incase this one decides to make an early appearance.

James and I are thrilled we will be expanding our family and we cannot wait for Chase to be a big brother. I have no doubt he is going to love his sibling so much and will be right in there with wanting to help Mummy and Daddy out. He has recently started throwing out his own diapers and putting things away in the closet, he gets the biggest kick out of helping out. Obviously Chase is a little young to understand there is a baby on the way, but I think as my bump gets bigger we will try to help him understand what is going on.

So far I have been feeling ok. It seems I am just one of those pregnant woman that gets terrible morning sickness so as long as I have my Zofran I make it through the day just fine, though I am already having food aversions :( Bagels, ice pops and strawberries have seemed the most appetizing of foods so far. James has been a huge help (just like the first time) with watching Chase so I can go lie down or ordering in dinner a lot so I don't have to cook :)

Only 12 more weeks until we find out if it's a boy or girl! What is your guess?