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Friday, March 14, 2014

11 Weeks Baby P2

How far along: 11 weeks
Gender: not sure yet, my guess is still boy
Weight gain: 2lbs
Maternity clothes: Wearing maternity jeans but can still fit fine in my regular yoga pants. I did go and buy a few new maternity tops that are starting to make their way into my wardrobe
Stretch marks: No new ones
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I seem to fall asleep fine but then wake up around 4am and toss and turn the rest of the night
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat for the first time at our checkup today. It was a good strong 132bpm, nothing beats hearing that thump thump thump.
Miss anything: Being able to eat whatever I want. I am having really bad food aversions this time, barely anything seems appetizing. My fruit craving has kicked in just like it did with Chase which makes me happy.
Movement: I felt the baby move once so far
Cravings: anything fruit related, actual fruit (especially strawberries and canned peaches), fruit ice pops etc
Queasy or sick: Still taking the Zofran once a day but feeling a little better in general
Looking forward to: Chase's 18 month check up this next week, I'm excited to see how much he has grown.

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